Monday, July 25, 2011

Biking through Tuscany? SI PER FAVORE!

Art in Voyage has created the perfect combination of favorite hobbies (well at least for me). In September, we will be combining the joys of History, Architecture, Art, Wine, Biking and most importantly (for me at least) FOOD! Join us as we embark in a 7 day journey through Tuscany's best kept secrets. Wineries complete with cooking classes, hilltop villages, monasteries turned into Bed & Breakfasts and food food food! Afraid to gain weight? On the contrary mon ami. This is how we lose weight and stay in shape. A great combination of walking, biking and Italy delicacy all while enjoying great company, laughter and fresh air.

But don't take our word for it, here what the experts at "Gude Toscana" have to say:

Biking in Tuscany Italy is an excellent way of enjoying the scenery and discovering the country side with all its rolling hills. When you cycle through the Tuscan country side you will come across all sorts of things like vineries, olive groves, wheat fields, forests, sunflower fields and numerous little villages and small cities filled with cultural treasures.

The best time for biking in Tuscany are the months May, June and September. During these months Tuscany is a bit more tranquil and temperatures don’t rise as rapidly as they do during some other months. 

And some recommendations from TURISMO TOSCANA.

Tuscany has a great variety of bike paths and scenic routes perfect for every type of cyclist, from the inexperienced to the truly expert. We of the social media team – beginners in the cycling world – have picked two bike trails that we think are pretty easy-going. Along these routes, we’ve thought about the most interesting art-historical items to visit and also about the local foods that you must taste while you’re in the area. 

1. The path of the Reclaimed Land, south of Arezzo

It’s a 65 km (40 miles) long trail, but it’s a easy path for hybrid bicycles. The Path of the Reclaimed Land retraces the ancient road that was once used for the maintenance of the Canale Maestro della Chiana and its locks.
South of Arezzo there’s a family-friendly bike trail on mostly flat land without traffic. This trail does not have much interesting art or food right alongside it because you’ll be going through agricultural areas. In fact it’s the montanous area around Arezzo that offers a wider variety of traditional foods starting with chestnuts that are the basic ingredient in many sweet (but not only) dishes, chestnut flour is used to make pasta but really just substitutes flour.
The path in fact is along a canal and has some interesting examples of hydraulic engineering. If you wish to detour from the path, though, you’re in a really interesting area that offers everything from medieval hill towns to thermal baths.

2. An itinerary of Medici Villas and Etruscan ruins in the "Montalbano" area near Prato

It’s a 38 Km (23 miles) path, average level for Mtb bicycles.  Departure from Seano to discover architectural wonders such as Villa la Ferndinanda and traces of the past as the Parish Church of San Leonardo.
Near Prato we’ve picked an easy bike route that is rich with cultural offerings. The Medici family built a number of villas in this area that are all visitable; Poggio a Caiano being the most intact of them and interesting for that reason, although Artimino commands an impressive view over its area and has a nice little Etruscan museumin the basement. This area is well known for its quality wines the Carmignano Super Tuscan, a great, aging wine that is also pleasant when young, the Barco Reale that takes its name from the ancient grand-ducal property, the Vin Ruspo (Rosé of Carmignano DOC), all with the same assorted base: this is the first denomination of Tuscan origin that prescribes, along with the Sangiovese, Cabernet (up to 20%), as well as the Canaiolo and other complementary vines.

Whether you decide to join us in September or travel at a different time, let us know how we can help. Our professional travel consultants and guides will design the perfect itinerary for you.

Our tour description is available by clicking hereWe are excited to be joining forces with our friends at I BIKE TUSCANY for this tour. We have designed it so all are welcome. Not interested in joining our small group of bikers? Not a problem as we can offer several options to keep you entertained.

We hope to see you on top of the hills in September.

For more information, contact ART IN VOYAGE at 321-800-3945 or email

Mikael Frank Audebert
Creative Director

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